Why am I doing this, I wonder? Is to avoid bothering my friends with over-long and over-frequent e-mails? To fill in that bit of the evening from when Radio 4 goes gloomily serious, and it's too light to go to bed without that "I am seven and have been sent there" feeling?
We shall see. I don't think I will get any "Followers" though..and I find the idea faintly unnerving.Would they swoop down on me in the Supermarket,or dog me, muttering, through St John's Market? I get enough of that in Life. Or is it more of a disciple relationship, and I will be required to utter aphorisms and wise saws? Like "Thought For The Day",only useful. I shall start off with "Many A Mickle Makes A Muckle", and see how that goes. It's certainly very difficult to disprove.
Okay that is wierd. Last Saturday I insisted that a friend decode the meaning of many a mickle makes a muckle. I thought he had made it up. It is such an odd phrase. I feel like I am being haunted by mickles - or is that muckles. Nell